Galveston Bay is known for its excellent fishing galveston bay fishing guides during the summer months . Some of the best ways to succeed . Trout fishing can be caught with live croaker and soft plastic lures . Focus your efforts on deep water with a good basic structure such as oyster reefs or rocks is a good starting point . The presence of surface active bait or marks on their sonar is another key to success. galveston bay fishing guides The movement of water is the most critical factor .
You could be in a great school of trout and no movement of the tide or water the bite will be difficult or nonexistent. Use tide tables for the area to ensure that you galveston bay fishing guides have the movement of water in its fishing zone desired or move with the water you have in the most productive .
If you choose to use galveston bay fishing guides live bait you can anchor and thrown into the structure or drift to cover more water. I love it when anchor anchor parallel to the current structure and vomiting. Once your bait falls outlet on the back of the boat enroll maintain a natural galveston bay fishing guides presentation .
When fishing with soft plastic lures I like to use a lead head galveston bay fishing guides hook platform quarter ounce. A stable recovery shaking motion every two seconds is ideal. Always vary your recovery until fish that you know what you want for that day or the time . Remember to match the clarity of the water with the lure of good color. Troubled waters require dark and light baits . Require clean water galveston bay fishing guides start natural color.
Now reddish . Slot Reds walk around the swamp drains into bottom tide wait for shrimp and small bait fish be rinsed in the swamps . galveston bay fishing guides Small Water big as the skitter walk are great bait to draw reaction strikes Reds stubborn. A shrimp rigged under a cap that pops surely attract strikes. It is better to have a single leader of 1-2 feet below the top for fishing near the swamp that galveston bay fishing guides drains the water is usually very low .
The big bull Reds began their spawning and living near coastal waters of large numbers . Cut shad or mullet fish in the background is a good bet to tie one of these great fish. The seed is at its peak in mid-September and will last galveston bay fishing guides until the end of November.